Comments (6)
Very cool, I loved the background system being synchronized with the music, it makes the battle more epic.
the system of turning the paddles is also quite interesting, so it gives players more possibility of strategy, especially in the midst of the chaos of multiple balls that appear, this added to the ability to hit the balls with force is super frantic.
I didn't have anyone to play the game with so I went in a match against a player at my level... Myself, and I ended up losing 3 to 5... or winning... It depends on your point of view.

The only suggestion I have is to make an A.I., I think it would be cool
first, and pong
What if you took the classic game Pong, and just turned RTX on? That's EXACTLY what you get here PLUS MORE!
- Current Features -
2 Players Locally
Bloom (LOTS OF IT)
POWERFUL Visual Effects
Visuals with that music
Ball Charge Ability
Rotating Paddles (woah)
Want to follow development more closely and give ideas? Join the Discord!
Music used:
Organic to Synthetic - Punch Deck
#multiplayer #sports #action #arcade