
Comments (12)

What do you think?

Enjoyed playing this. Was challenging from the start, which kept my interest.

Good job. Well done.

Graphics: 8/10
Idea: 8/10
Sound: 6/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Fun Factor: 6/10
Overall: 7/10
Good Job :D

Bugs: (on Linux, openjdk8)

  1. there is a white nontransparent box around the mouse cursor

  2. the game crashes when I kill the first bat

May I Let's Play this Game (in German) :D

Funfun game)


The Depths - Java Application

Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

Remember to vote:

This game is a submission for thre IndiesVsPewDiePie contest, and the correct place to vote for us to have a chance at winning is here - - Thanks again to all who have voted and taken the time to enjoy our game. We truly appreciate it!


The Depths is an action survival game featuring similar gameplay to Diablo & Gauntlet!

This game was developed by two people for the #indiesvspewdiepie Game Jam! We have built this game in under 72 hours! This is the 2nd Game Jam we've participated in; the previous one being a submission titled "Beneath the Surface" for the Ludum Dare competition.

Developed by game developing tag-team Alberto 'KeTo' Izquierdo & Joshua 'Dragonfly' O'Sullivan, we aimed to produce a game that is a throwback to the earlier gaming days, with 2D pixel graphics & simple but addicting gameplay.


Alberto was responsible for ALL code aspects of the game; using LibGDX & Box2D.

Josh was responsible for all art & sound; making heavy use of MS Paint, bfxr, Audacity & Adobe Fireworks.

We've put a lot of care & attention into this game to try and make it the best experience possible, we hope you enjoy yourself and please; leave fair and honest feedback (And don't forget to tell us your best score!)

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Remember to vote!

The Depths: Post-Mortem