Comments (21)
only problem is the length, if it was longer it would have been much better.
(that's what she said)
is there an ending where u dont die
Being strong and willing to carry on as far as you possibly can = Bad ending
Being weak and killing yourself = Good ending
Doesn't make sense to me.
oh come on! bad ending :(
but it was really good how my heart started beating fast and only text was in front of me, good job!
Great! Now all it needs is a longer story and a FPS version of it! Other wise GREAT game! <3
Everyone is dead, everyone you loved, right infront of you, you have no time to think, you have to run. You don't care that you have no reason to run, that your time will come too, you don't care. You just don't want to die. Not now.
Hey guys, I'm Ultrox and I'm not really a game developer, i just had an idea and wanted to make it into a multiple choice text adventure game (witch is what this is).
Sorry if this is really short, this is my first game and the first version of it, so i knew literally nothing going into it.
but if you do play it, let me know if you at least like the idea, and some day i could come back and remake it.
Like it says in the secret ending, i am planning on a prequel / a more flushed out version, but i don't think i will work on it anytime soon.
Checkout my youtube, I'm actually good at that http://www.youtube.com/user/UltroxInfinity
also check out my co-op channel http://www.youtube.com/user/DeadFettProductions