Comments (22)
I love this. Total Monkey Island vibe, like, Monkey Island in space. I need more of this. I need more than three minutes of this. I NEEEEEED IIIIIIIIT. </spongebob>
My short, tiny, likely unecessary video playthrough: http://youtu.be/RBW1Yt9Aq4I
Hilarious. What an entry for the jam! I want to see more of this!!
Hello! I loved this game, it had a delightful sense of humour and the art style was great! I made a let's play of it alongside another game here~
You can, maybe, make a game like this
Unable to extract and play the Mac version. Tried 3 times.
The Exciting Space Adventures of Greg and Linda
A very short adventure game about Greg and Linda and their exciting space adventures.
Made for the #pointclickjam.
Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Nothing has been posted to this project page yet. Check back later!