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------- ENGLISH -------

Legend has it that at the top of the Great Rejuvenating Tower is the Rejuvenating Flower, capable of making anyone who wears it younger. Therefore, an old man is willing to reach the top of the tower in order to become young again. Will he succeed?

------- ESPAÑOL -------

La leyenda cuenta que en lo alto de la Gran Torre Rejuvenecedora, se encuentra la Flor Rejuvenecedora, capaz de volver más joven a cualquiera que la porte. Por ello, un viejo hombre está dispuesto a llegar a lo más alto de la torre con el propósito de volver a ser joven. ¿Lo conseguirá? #platformer #arcade #pixelart #2d #retro

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Mild Language
Crass Humor

Some time ago I started working on a simple 2d and pixel art platform game characterized by a high difficulty. For now, since it's not the final product and I'm trying different things, it looks like this. Any suggestions?