Comments (37)
I'll just chime in on what the others are saying: This is great! You've somehow managed to top last years entry (as if that was possible in two weeks time)!
The art and atmosphere is the best part of it for me. The first location with it's candle lit lighting is one of the prettiest locations I have ever seen in a pixelated game. The rest of them are gorgeous as well, reminiscent of DotT more than once.
As for the writing, I think the self referential inner voice style of the classic adventures have been done to death in modern adventure games, but somehow you make it shine. I think it might be the way you handle the language, it's poetic, and the contrast between the way the maker and his creation speaks is really great. It really puts a spin on the old buddy comedy formula.
What a great game. Just my kind of humor :D Loved how you solved the flipped sprite issue. Nice colors and layouts - Peter C. would be proud!
the boys at powerhoof have done it again. AWESOME!
This was fucking amazing! I feel bad that I started with this game on going through the jam games because I can't imagine anything could compare :)
I loved your last two adventure jam entries and this one tops them!
Congrats for the 1st place in AdvJam!
The Inanimate Mr. Coatrack
Game Soundtrack
Dr. Victor Bernhardt is on the verge of conquering the last great frontier... Death.
Everything is ready, thanks to the recently deceased Argyle Coatrack, who donated his organs for science... though only his brain was salvageable after his fatal fall from a 3rd story window. But... Mr. Coatrack wouldn't let a little thing like that set him back!
The Inanimate Mr. Coatrack is a bawdy buddy-comedy adventure full of sweary undead shenanigans, jokes about willies, and plenty of dismembered limbs!
- Click ground to walk, and objects/characters to interact.
- Move your mouse to the top of screen to open your inventory.
- Equip items by clicking them.
- Use an equipped item by clicking it on an object or character.
- Right Click, or Click empty space to unequip the current item.
Made in 2 weeks for #AdvJam2019 by:
- Dave Lloyd (@DuzzOnDrums) - Story, Code
- Barney Cumming (@Powerhoof)- Art
- Adrian Vaughan (@YeOldShrimpEyes) - Voices
- Louis Meyer (@LouisDMeyer) - Music
- Kyle Olsen (@KyleOlsonmabob) - Additional Art
- Toxic Tuba - German Translation
Created with PowerQuest for Unity. A 2d adventure game tool, Made by Dave!