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The Keepers Alpha Demo

Version: 0.1.0about 8 years ago

In any city, in any country, go to any mental institution or halfway house you can get yourself to. When you reach the front desk, ask to see the ones who call themselves the Keepers. The worker will look at you with an expression unlike any you have ever seen. It will be a mix of sorrow, joy, anguish, excitement, hatred, and pity. You will sense their despair, but you must not question it. Immediately they will turn and walk down a corridor. You must follow. You will notice that you had no idea this area of the building existed. After walking for some time, you will begin to realise that this corridor is in fact impossible, as it should have reached the other side of the facility by now. Do not panic, and do not waver. Keep your eyes on the worker. Do not take them away. If you do, you will be lost in the corridor, and will spend the rest of eternity there. After what seems like a lifetime, you will stop at a large, rusted, iron door. The worker will produce a torch, almost out of nowhere. They will light it, hand it to you, and beckon you into the doorway. It is very dark but you mustn't be afraid. Once you pass through the doorway, the clerk will shut the door behind you. Do not open it, because if you do, it will not open back to the corridor. The only way to return is to press on. As you walk down the new, dark hall, you will begin to feel sleepy. Fighting the urge is futile. You must curl up on the floor and sleep. You will wake up in an unfamiliar room. You must escape.

The Keepers was loosely based on the creepypasta stories, the Holders. A good read, might I add. Here are the original stories if you're interested in reading them.

This game is in development, but will be up hopefully some time soon. In the meantime, I will try to post pictures and such. Because those are pretty!

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