
Comments (9)

What do you think?

Hi long time no see...
Are the server still up? Cause I can't connected to your servers, I did the updates and still nothing.

Hi, i was playing just now and i think you should include a mapa soon because it's easy to get lost or its easier to find the place we want to go.

Hi everyon, for thoso o understands portuguese here is my Let's Play:

you should be able to by clicking the save button once uve set them,and to register u just type in the password u want to use and click "Create Account" the client will assign u an account number,then merely re-enter ur password,choose "Enter World" and then click the button to create a character.

Where do I register to play?
The options don't work or at least can't save the changes.


The King Of Demons Online

Version: 1.0.0almost 11 years ago

"I Am the Last Ancient,given the Honor from those before me to watch over this world for all time. My name is Proctosin of Dalmar. After the great War of the Ancients the population was immensely reduced but the power that divided among the remaining had grown far beyond what they had expected.

Using magic they sealed their souls within a crystal deep within the center of the planet and allowed their own life force to seep out little by little,creating new life. Life that can grow to become anything,creating more life energy,bringing the life force back to the crystal when it is extinguished,gaining the knowledge and experience. The Honored 12 created me to watch and protect the cycle,knowing full well that someday a new God could appear. A God that may be more powerful than us,and if the origins of that God are Evil,all life may cease. This fear came from the Demon World,a world of beasts and monsters ruled by Chaos and Power. To combat this fear I have made foundations for different heroes to be created and when the time comes I will have to call on them to fight the Evil that may consume us all..."

An incredible,immersive open-world MMORPG with incredible spell graphics,exciting skills,near-miss feeling battles,and full PK (please note there may be some penalties to PKing based on area/victim/circumstances)

Constantly in Development,this AWESOME game is only going to get better! try us out today,and tell your friends!!!

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

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