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"... one of the most memorable experiences I had at PAX Prime 2015" - Jake Carewick, AYBOnline

"Like a watercolor painting brought to life" - Josh Speer, Operation Rainfall

"If my home were threatened by gods and I needed a hero to adventure around, running and sailing and murdering, I'd want them to have this sort of infectious energy." - Alice O'Connor, Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Has your life ever changed in a single day?

The Last Shore tells the story of a girl whose world turns upside down, and her quest to right it.

When the gods threaten her home and family, she sets off on a journey across the ocean. The player will visit islands scattered across the sea, finding artifacts that will help her on her quest.

The Last Shore is a game about mystery, exploration, and facing your fears. It's about the beauty and solitude of the ocean. It's about when your world is upset, and you have to do something.

Spread across the ocean are islands. Some are simple bits of land; others house temples, caverns, or mazes. And some hide the powerful artifacts you will need to attain your goal.

With combat to fight and puzzles to solve, the gameplay here will be focused and intense. Anyone who has played a Zelda game should have some idea of my goals with the islands - although I like to think that the combat is a bit more free-flowing and fast-paced.

Fantasy Violence
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