
Comments (29)

What do you think?

hi there kingpikachu, i found this nasty bug in the latest version of the game - it appears right after you start it( it's pretty common with RPG Maker MV/MZ games so i'm sure there's a solution for it somewhere out in the net!

pretty cool for a first RPG!) Ashmon is one tough boss - he's fun to fight and the map where you get to fight him is pretty good, too!) can't wait to see what other things await after him and i wonder if we get to meet Kingpikachu himself in the game... oh well, only time will tell!)


The Legend of Kingpikachuyt improved demo2

Version: 0.0.2almost 3 years ago

the legend of kingpikachu

Version: 1.2.0almost 3 years ago

#rpg #action this is an rpg i am working on currently the first boss and few maps are done this zip is a demo up until the first boss

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

Hey guys I'm back and today I am asking for your help and feedback after my game the legend of kingpikachu been out for about 2 months now (idk exactly when) on a scale from 1-10 how much did you enjoy the game and how could I improve in a possible sequelā€¦ use this link to download the game and get it working enjoy everybody

Just released main story for now its free but that will change in a day or so you can also get the game on is to more great games in the future

great news main story development is almost done meaning we have a release date of tomorrow there will be small updates adding new stuff every so often lets pray tomorrow will make it as the release date

The second world map smaller with only 2 or 3 bosses the bigger map will be Kingpikachuyt's castle and all that meaning we are close to finishing the game should be done by end of this week hopefully