Comments (8)
Very well written! I included it in my Meatly Jam 2016 compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/GHxz4uNoK4M
I don't understand at all what's going on with the story. But it was rather interesting, and I think it may lead to an open interpretation. It would be great to see it continued! I know it is a bit hard to make a story based game on 72 hours.
I know this is spam, but if you are interested, we have an entry for the Meatly Jam too. Any feedback will be appreciated: http://gamejolt.com/games/broken/178647
Interesting game! I expected horror, though.
By the way, there is a bug in the options where we eat or don't eat. The options lead to opposite pages.
Like, uh... what?
No, it's just... It was interesting, I'll give it that. But like, what? I'm sorry I'm a little confused. Who is the woman? Is she who she says she is? If that's the case, then why is the man confused about her? Does he not like her, does he have some memory issue and not remember her? What's the deal here? I feel like this is the kind of game that's open to interpretation, but so many details are revealed and not enough mysteries are presented that it gets to the point where the game stating that "It's an ordinary day in your ordinary life" actually is true with no lie tucked in there whatsoever. I know the theme of the jam is "Unlikely Evil" but I don't feel like there's an evil presence to be threatened by. I mean, it's not like I'm not trying to find something to be threatened by, but it's like throwing open the shower curtain only to find the shower empty. You get a little hyped up and then, "Aww."
Now I want peanut butter
The Thief
A very short story of an ordinary man that hears not so ordinary footsteps.
Made for #MeatlyJam.