Comments (5)
Not bad.I thought you did pretty well. 3/5
This text based adventure was interesting and well written. I included it in part 3 of my Game Jolt New Years Game Jam compilation video series if you'd like to check it out :) http://youtu.be/5Gmc5Lfctj4
The Trenches
A short game about the trench warfare, you play as a normal German soldier with a family, you will make choices to determine his fate...
This is in the style of a choose your own adventure game where you are given choices and you must decide what to do.
MGHUNTERPC Is responsible for the bases of the stroy
This is a really short game made in a really short ammount of time so I could get it done for the GJ Jam!
Quite a few endings, I may expand on this idea in the future!
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language