Comments (14)
Awesome game. Where's the sequel
This scared the fucking shit out of me
Alright Ruman! We came back for a second attack!
We didn't accomplish much...
but it was a good time none the less!
The Walls Are Lurking - PC
The Walls Are Lurking - Android Build
Android Build Of the Game - WARNING! May Be Unstable in current Build. WIP
Game Soundtrack
Dark Ambient Loop (From Unity Asset Store)
/!\WARNING /!\ Be prepared to hold down Shift ALOT. you will be running From Monsters ALOT. This is just a Warning. :P
This is a '#horror' Game In Which You Must Escape The Maze, or Face the Consequences.
The Spoiler Below Shows the Current List of Monsters and their Behaviors.
Monster | Behavior
The Twin Ghouls | This In-Separable Pair acts much like the Giant, But they are much faster
The Giant | Follows the Player Relentlessly, Navigating the Maze Directly to you
The Grunt | Same as the Giant, yet feeds on the weak more often
The Hunters | A Hunting Demon Whom is the "Big Brother" Species to the Grunts, Often they are much Bigger and Faster. Recently Killed Off all of the "Aliens"
The Alien | The Recent target for a Genocide... {REDACTED} {REDACTED} {REDACTED}
All Models (Except for "Grunt/Hunter") For The Creatures By 3DMaesen
"Grunt/Hunter" Creature is from the Unity Asset Package "Maze Element Demon"
#horror #speedrun #twal #indie #puzzle #maze #everything #hashtag
Blood and Gore