
Comments (3)

What do you think?

Please for the love of god dont put screenshots of gamemaker on here this is why people think Game Maker is shit :/

ill try the beta


The Wasteland's Survivors Full Game Download

Version: 0.5.0about 9 years ago
Please delete the demo file if you have it still, that could mess with the game and the files. You have been warned

The Wasteland's Survivors DEMO

Version: 0.1.0about 9 years ago
This is the demo, somethings will be changed during full version! We have found fixes to the bugs and that is why somethings are diffrent but these we going to be the full gam only update but since we found a fix.

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Radio 1

Realse Notes:
Once you play please fill out our form:

By the way Iorn Edge studios is me and some other indie game developers coming together and helpping create this awsome game!
So what are you waiting for Click follow game to get the news and get info when the final realse is out. And yes we plan to add some new things to the game for a better gameplay :D

Arrows - move
space - shoot
Move mouse - aim
Ctrl - pause

You are in a goverment bunker known as the storage, No one from the outside knows about it. You been here for 25 years, And then you notice weird things happining. You need to escape the storage and find out the truth

This game is inspired by the fallout mechanic, Thanks to RainbowGameBro for the tuts that helpped me. Every download will help and support me. Even good and bad ratings help me with game making. The game title on gamejolt was changed so that people would not get angry at us, we dont mean to copyright any other games name. If a admin contacts us we will edit the game to fit the title.

Want to find out more and get the latest news on what were doing and want easy beta acsess goto our new webpage here:

character sprite and help programming:
Link to youtube channel:

All youtubers that did a video on the game, your channels link is with your video

Other programming:

Info about the game:
Production is going good for now, we have put the realse date in the news section so check there for when we realse, also follow for more news updates :)


Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling

To help, try this for a 2nd one.

We are going to have a little thing on the page that if you play it it will support us. Please click play and every play one that will support us to make a Wastelands survivors 2

Fill out form after done playing

here is the link;

Launch Trailer

Great news we are making a launch trailer for the game. If you follow the page then youll get news when the full game comes out or when the launch trailer comes out.

Realse Date!!

We are confirming that the game will be realsed on march 16, 2016
If you want to see how gameplay is then try out the demo today :)

What the Demo missing and message about it explained