
"Nothing but the stink of old, moist carpets, the madness of mono-yellow, and the blinding light of fluorescent bulbs at maximum hum-buzz. Over 600 million sq. miles of randomly segmented rooms. God save you if you hear something wandering nearby, because it sure as hell has heard you."
The quote on every The Backrooms game... ah so ironic isn't it?
Well, this game will be a bit more advanced then the those you saw so far.
This is gonna be a whole open world survival. No time limit, no game modes.
Only infinite and infinite of rooms and floors to explore.
Some may seem like you got back into reality, some may seem like you can never get out...
you have 1 objective: t o _ s u r v i v e
Will you join a colony? Will you make your own one? or maybe you will become the worst fear and enemy of humanity.... it only depends on you, and where you go.
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#horror #adventure #fangame #altgame #survival #exploration #backrooms #the_backrooms #thebackrooms #stayalive #survive #venture #creepy #scary