
The year is 1982. You, REDACTED, have decided to take this new exciting career path as a night watchman for COMPANY. You are being tasked with guarding our state of the art Animatronics from any suspicious activity. These robots include 2 new animatronics, THE BEAR, THE DOLL, Our older models, THE BUNNY and THE SUIT, and the building overall. You will be informed on your duties over phone calls throughout the week. We hope you enjoy your career path, and we are glad you decided to take it and be on this journey with us!
Or are they happy? Or are you just bait?
You must defend yourself. Use any means of survival.
He will lie to you. Don't be tricked.

As of 3/25/2022, we are only 0.7% done with development. Me and My friend, whose name I will not disclose for privacy, are working together. It is a two man team, but we are always willing to add more members to our little group of Modelers and coders! If you have any experience, little or lots, feel free to say something!
Let's do this!