Comments (3)
Beautiful music. This could have been something cool. It's a shame it's just an idea and nothing more than that. Maybe you'll change your mind and make this a real thing. It's up to you though.
Hi, I am french so my english could be wrong but I think that's a good idea to do a game about the LGBT community and the hate about them. I am myself a transgender person so obviously I think that's a good idea, but that could also help other peoples to look us as normal peoples. To tell the trouth, I found your game because he's named like my own game. I wish you a good luck to create yours, even if the developpement started since a long time, you can do it.
Their Story is a game i'm currently developing for release sometime in Q1 2017. It is a 2D Story book platformer that tells the tales of people coming out as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and also touches on hate crimes and hate towards the LGBT community as a whole.
I felt that after the release of the game That Dragon, Cancer and the recent Orlando Massacre, i could try to help spread the struggles, stress and things that put the LGBT community through what they do for no apparent reason and to spread understanding and love for the LGBT community as a whole because we're all normal, no matter what you look like or what you feel.