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This game is in EARLY DEVELOPMENT. The description may change with more content being added over time.
The Jordan House is an exploration-based RPG where your actions are limited by time, but not in the traditional sense. You only have a couple of days to uncover the mysteries surrounding an inexplicable mansion housing a multitude of clones and volunteers alike, each with their strange personality!
Follow and discover the story of Sam Sylvain, a mysterious young journalist, who hears a rumor about a mansion full of human clones. Determined to get a good article, he decides to go there and try to uncover its secrets, regardless of whatever things or whomever he may stumble upon in the process.
The game will be split in 5 acts total, each uncovering various aspects of the Jouse.

As mentioned earlier, this game's main objective is set on exploration, gathering data and meeting people. While exploring, you can do tasks to gain people's trust to allow you to explore further. Or not. Your choice, really. In the end, you'll get your answers anyway.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Crass Humor