
Comments (8)

What do you think?

me downloads and then plays



The Key (Windows)

Version: 3.0.0over 3 years ago

The Key (linux)

Version: 3.0.0over 3 years ago

You are in a house and the house has multiple robots. The big robot will start to chase you right from the beginning. The small robots will try to shoot you. There is a PISTOL in the level, which you can use to kill the robots. They will kill you otherwise. After killing the robots, find the key and get to the door to ESCAPE! There are four levels with different themes. Explore them, fight the robots, escape. Hope you like the game. Thanks for all the support! #survival #robots #horror #shooter #action #stealth #survival


Another level...........

Yo! New Robot Modeled.
Note: You will not get that at this moment. Will come after the major update...;-; it will take time ;-;

Z Enter Chill Mode

Ye Alhamdulillah! Back to work again....

Lets have a peaceful discussion.....

I got a problem, my grandma got the COVID-19. And for this reason, I just can't work in my game for some days as she is in my room and in the room I have my PC.....Well, lets play for her. May Allah cure her disease!

Second level done!
Well now I will need to work with the props ;-;

Second Room Done!
Software: Substance Painter and Blender
;-; Ok Only two rooms today becoz of study. Nothing to do ;-; I dont even know when this new update will come. Just wait :). I don't want to study anymore :').

First room done!
Level Name: Rooms Without Context
I will add 15 levels! Inshaallah!

My exam will finish yesterday and I will get 7 days time. Well then I will work on the game again. I don't know when the levels will be finished. But ye, still stay tuned :'). I will give updates tho!

Give me 2 months ;-;. The new update will take time. Adding levels is a big pain ;-;.