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The Legend of Athea

Version: 1.0.311 months ago

You are the legendary Athea(AH-THEE-AH); gaurdian of the kingdom of Valel. You have defended your homeland from raids and monsters, but now a mysterious army marches on Valel. You must build your defences and fight this new enemy!

Our scouts report the enemy using some kind of mighty fireball weapon. It is destroying everything in its path! You will have to use your magic sheild to repel it!

"The Legend of Athea" is a breakout-style game mixed with a strategy game. You must repel the fireball back at your enemies while building and protecting an army of your own. Athea can also attack enemies so the action never stops!

This game uses the mouse almost exclusively. 

Music composed by Paul Easton (

Comments and feedback are very helpful! #action #strategy #breakout #fantasy #tower_defence

Fantasy Violence
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