Comments (33)
Hola!! Me gust贸 much铆simo el juego tiene un gran potencial. Me di贸 un par de buen sustos. El unico problema es que las instrucciones no quedan muy claras al principio. Tambi茅n not茅 que los fantasmas se quedan bugueados cuando deber铆an perseguirte. Anyway I love it. I'm looking for play more of this. I can't wait for the final version! Para mas reportes de bugs aqui ta mi gameplay :) Muy buen trabajo!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sw8Ut6AUnuY
awoopsy, joined the train of this game. (started it but didn't finish out of mostly fear) :0
Gave it a go...
I'm not really sure how I failed at the end there. Was that a bug or did I mess up somehow?
You're Spanish? I thought at first the "La" in the title was the French word for "the". I don't know if I cut my thoughts on that out of my video, but I only know English, so I might have been wrong about that.
Anyway, I did really like the game, it was quite scary, and I was such a wimp with the jumpscares. But I don't think it was the best idea to have a jumpscare immediately before a chase. It left me unprepared, and I was killed. Actually, it wouldn't have been so bad if there was some sort of save or checkpoint system, which is unfortunate that there isn't. I wanted to beat the game, but getting pretty far and then having to start over from the beginning just takes you out of the game.
The Sitting Woman (The Ritual)
Representas a un hombre llamado Adam, un aficionado de lo paranormal.
Tu amigo Michael te habla sobre un ritual que hace muchos j贸venes en una casa a las afueras de la ciudad llamado La Mujer Sentada. La curiosidad te puede y una noche de lluvia visitas la casa para hacer el ritual.
Esto es solo una demo del juego original, de hecho, falta el men煤 de opciones y el de pausa.
Una curiosidad, durante el desarrollo del juego han sucedido cosas fuera de lo normal...
Los testers de esta demo han visto screamers o sombras que nunca fueros programadas para estar hay... e incluso susurros.
No nos hacemos cargo de cualquier incidente que pueda causar el juego.
1-Descomprimir el archivo RAR.
NOTA : Tienen que decomprimirse TODO en una MISMA carpeta, de lo contrario el juego no funcionar谩.
2-Ejecutar el archivo .exe.
You represent a man named Adam, an amateur of the paranormal.
Your friend Michael tells you about a ritual that many young people do in a house on the outskirts of the city called The Sitting Woman. Curiosity can and a rainy night visits the house to do the ritual.
This is just a demo of the original game, in fact, it lacks the options menu and the pause menu.
聽 A curiosity, during the development of the game have happened things out of the ordinary ...
The testers of this demo have seen screamers or shadows that were never programmed to be there ... and even whispers.
We are not responsible for any incidents that may cause the game.
Game Site : https://gamedog74.gamejolt.io/lamujersentadathesittingwoman/
Twitter :
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoZUB5JJlg1lxKnvFqyhqUQ
Itch.io Game Page :
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language