Comments (106)
i like the bucket bob part xD his look in the camera

My Gameplay Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYZ3ZdDrA70
but it's four nights
Three Nights With Mr. Hugs (Updated DX11 Edition)
Three Nights With Mr.Hugs (YouTube Friendly Version) (Old DX9 Edition)
The same thing as the main game but swearing is cut out.)

You work at Mr. Hugs Funland, you work the night shift from 12 AM to 6 AM for 3 days and get paid 10 dollars (WHAT A STEAL!!!1) but oh no! The vacuum and the crate were bitten by RADIOACTIVE SPIDERS!!! Now they're trying to kill you. You got access to cameras and shocky equipment thingies of distruction to shock the bazongas out of them! Also there might be a 4th night with a bucket and you only get paid 1 singular dollar but idk that's just a theory (A GAME THEO-).

Axoen (Modeling, asset making)
VoyVivka (Coding)
Bolygon (Modeling)
spiritCDdisk (Modeling)
Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans