Legend of the Wizard King
“A long time ago, the dark lord Klaes haunted the KnownLands. Hopefully he was imprisoned by the Aläri warriors into the darkest plane of the far-known Ilisar. However, his dark forces seem to be lurking again from the depths, and the whole village of Täby is under his menace.
Many have tried to defeat this evil, but they have miserably failed on their task, falling slowly into deceases worse than death itself. Now it's your turn, child, to prove you're a true Aläri warrior and to set Täby free from darkness once and for all.
Go, hero.. Time is running..”
The Legend of the Wizard King is an small arpg, mostly influenced by NES games like Legend of Zelda, DragonQuest, even Front Line. It’s themed in a fantasy setting universe of my own, called the KnownLands, posible to extend in forecoming games.
It's the first game I release to public and it took me almost 6 weeks to complete and develop the core concept, the code, and the artwork, all by myself. The code is in GML (Game Maker Studio 2). The sound and music are made by Juhani Junkala and user Yubatake, taken from
The game is a race against time ARPG. If the time runs out, the Wizard King will come back to life and the KnownLands are doomed, and you lose. Another important feature of the game is Perma-Death; You start with 3 hit points, if you lose them all, you die, and lose all your progress. Besides the hack-and-slash action, the game forces you to interact with objects around you and make decisions that will affect your whole experience. The concept of a Highscore is also introduced, mainly as a “meter” of how good you are at playing the game, and how many things have you done/discovered during the play.
My name is Nicolas Araujo. I'm originally from northern Argentina and currently living in Stockholm, Sweden. I started using GM a long time ago, but most of my projects were scoped way too big for a team of one.
Recently I had the courage to make my first game all by myself, bought the basic GMS2 creator's license and here I am, finishing my first game. I would really appreciate your comments and feedback, so don't be shy on contacting me on Twitter [], or email me at [email protected]. I'll answer all your questions/comments ! #rpg #action #adventure #arcade #retro #textadventure