Comments (7)
just wondering is a playable version released
Took a quick look at it here. Really fun little game.
It's a fun little game, especially for when you have just a little free time in between classes or something.
I found one issue; the first time I ran the game it didn't go full screen like it is supposed to, and because of that the scaling was wrong, which made that I couldn't navigate the menu correctly. You might want to look at how your game handles different resolutions/screen sizes.
The slowdown of time is interesting, but the change in music feels wrong. I'd try to mask it or change how music slowdown works altogether. The music itself was very good though.
There were no issues with hitboxes and collisions, and I could not find any bugs in the gameplay.
I could easily see this as a succesful mobile game, keep it up!
You are there... alone in a black empty void known as space inside your spaceship... it feels so empty... it feels so calm... but what the heck?
Suddenly a rather annoying alarm in your spaceship starts to emmit a blasting sound and red lights.
You put on your fish bowl space helmet and gaze through the main cargo door and in a gasp of horror... oh no!... you are surrounded by missiles that are coming straight at you!
You try to perform evasive actions to avoid all of them. It seems you are a very clumsy astronaut that activated the defence system of a nearby planet, they think you are their enemy! How long would you be able to survive?
It seems to me that... this will not go well...
Use the mouse to move the mouse in the menus (duh) and use the left button to click a button (double duh). If you are using a gamepad, use the left joystick or the D-Pad to move to the desired button, then press 'A' to select it.
Turn spaceship left: if using keyboard press 'A' or 'Left arrow'. If using gamepad push left the left joystick or click the left D-Pad button.
Turn spacehsip right: if using keyboard press 'D' or 'Right arrow'. If using gamepad push right the left joystick or click the right D-Pad button.
Use spaceship powerup: If using keyboard press space. If using gamepad, press 'A'.
Pause the game (while in a level): If using keyboard press 'ESC'. If using gamepad, press 'START'.
The goal of this game is simple. You are the spaceship. You have to avoid missiles and make then collide against each other or the terrain to win points and money. The more points you make, the better. The more time you survive, the easier it will be to make more points, but more difficult to avoid missiles will appear.
A white circle surrounds the spaceship. It indicates the 'Danger zone'. If a hazard is within the 'Danger zone', time is slowed down until there are no hazards inside it. The hazards are the missiles and the terrain.
Use the shop to acquire improvements for your spaceship so it is easier to avoid the missiles. You can also equip a different powerup and improve them. In the shop you may also acquires different spaceship which add a small buff to your current improvements.
The different missiles you can find are the following:
Simple: Very easy to avoid and see in space. It has no special power.
Normal: A bit faster and has a better turn speed than the simple missile. It has no special power.
Difficult: It is the fastest missile and the one which has the best turn speed from all the missiles up until now. It has no special power.
No slowdown: Similar characteristics to a simple missile. It has a special power, it is not affected by the 'Danger zone' time's speed reduction.
Inteligent: It has similar charactersitics to a normal missile, beeing the only difference that this missile avoids dangers by entering in a 'ghost form'. While in ghost form, this missile can't be hit by other missiles or the terrain. Using the ghost form ability has a cooldown in which this missile is vulnerable for beeing destroyed
Boost: Similar characteristics to a normal missile. It's power is that when it is close to a spaceship, it will suddenly increase it's speed and it will lose some of it's turn speed for a period of time. This missile can only use this power when it is not on cooldown.
Spectral: Similar characteristics to a difficult missile. To make things even more difficult, this missile is completely invisible when it is not at a close range from the spaceship.
Hard: Similar characteristics to a difficult missile. This missile is bigger than other missiles and can withstand up to 3 impacts from other missiles. Unfortunately for him, if it impacts the terrain, it will be inmediately destroyed.
Electrifying: It is the slowest missile in the galaxy, but, this missile has a strong power, it can shoot thunders. If a spaceship or any other missile is close to it, and it doesn't have it's ability on cooldown, it will shoot thunders to the closest target. It never misses a target.
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