Comments (3)
Very, very awesome game for 14 hours. I included it in part 16 of my Lowrez Jam compilation video series, if you'd like to take a look :)
Nice! Good job!
(Somehow it kept crashing my Safari browser. Worked fine on Chrome though.)
This was cool, love the teleport, really fun. Good work!
Tiny Alien Invader
You play a tiny alien, a one-alien army intent on wiping out the human fleet.
A very quick game made for #LowRezJam. Everything was made in just under 14 hours of development time, including writing some music. It is short but stable.
Arrows to Move
X for Action/Fire
When on a ship Hold Z and then an Arrow Key to teleport in that direction
Destroy each ships navigation unit with your laser (Use X)
Say hi with [email protected] or @seconddimension