Comments (47)
Looks cool, mate!
Game looks great! System is flawless!
The more I play Tiny Patrol the more I love it. 5/5
Good time killer. I don't recommend playing on PC but that's your choice. The game is not that original but what can I say, all mobile games are the same these days. Controls are straight to the point and textures are well made. Keep the updates coming for this killer game.
-Your boy GHD
(In all honesty I only played it once)
Tiny Patrol
this is a demo version of the game tiny patrol on google play!
the game is an infinite runner where you need to defeat those who invaded the basement of the palace, stop as many as you can in an attempt to clean the place!
google play:
Cartoon Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans