
Comments (82)

What do you think?

um so i didn't get off one of the platforms and the soul went all the way up on the screen then fell outside of the box somehow

a little annoyed with no heals but pretty good game otherwise

Personally I think what would help the games difficulty would be modes like easy mode or hard mode where you get a certain number of heals. example in hard mode you get no heals or very weak heals.

Hitboxes could definitely use some work. The top of bones have too big of a hitbox imo. It's very noticeable during the bone wave attacks.

Theres also one part im not a huge fan of. That being the part with rng bone gaps + platforms. If the gap spawns really low, you have to do a very, very tiny jump. It doesn't feel consistent at all.

Besides that, this is pretty good.

The lack of audio feels very.. jarring, to say the least.

This is a really solid fan game, especially since its made in 2 weeks. It respects san's character, it isn't too hard, its incredibly smooth and the music is amazing. Also nice that you used the TML engine for this lol


Tears In The Rain V1.0.4

Version: 1.0.4over 1 year ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Tears In The Rain Epicified | By Epic

This is just a small game made in 15 days on my take on Undertale: Tears In The Rain with a new story and concept


Music by Epic

Coded by Me

Sprites by Me

Awesome thumbnail art: @SpaceStationaryCORE

Undertale: Toby Fox

Undertale Tears in the Rain: Drop0ff

#fangame #undertale #sans #tearsintherain



it broke 1000???

i did not see that coming the goal was like 200

i havent checked in a while

thanks a lot guys


patch 1.0.4 released just a disclaimer fix cuz u guys didnt give me anything to fix

hey guys im making another patch rn

originally it was gonna be just a disclaimer update but ive decided to let you guys give some suggestions for some stuff to fix in this patch

nothing too major rn tho please rn i will do bigger updates soon enough

since the release ive been invited to and asked to help with like 7 games lmao

guys look its tears in the rain freds take