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Comments (103)

What do you think?

I gotta leave my opinion on this game here. It had potential, but right now, it's not very fun. No hate, but I had to share my thoughts.

I'll start out positive. The artwork is really nice and gives the game some character. I like the novelty of the idea, and the menu is really good, but that's all I really can say.

The game starts out with this weird walking section. It's really boring and does nothing for the game. It took me 5 minutes to figure out where I was even going, because this section doesn't tell you anything.

The AI and collision in this game is poor as well. I know that coding AI is a challenge, but sometimes the animatronics will just get stuck, or move in a zig-zag motion. The collision is off right when your put into the tutorial. The item you are supposed to collect is on a desk that you can walk right through, but on the hallway that you need to escape through, there's this flag that you can't walk through, which got me killed.

The tutorial also barely tells you anything. It shows you that you need to pick up items, and it shows you how to pick it up, and where the item is with this arrow, and that arrow never appears again, which sucks. After you pick up the item, ignited freddy immediately spawns in, and you have to be really quick to avoid him. The tutorial doesn't even tell you that you can run with Shift, so I died a few times.

The game is also really hard because you aren't that fast, the maps are bigger, and worst of all, the items don't stick out at all. They blend into the background, so you don't even know where to look for them. They need to be highlighted or something, because it can be really annoying to just press 'E' everywhere you go because you don't know what the items are.

I also think the game is too big for it's own good. The mechanics barley change in each gamemode, aside from one minor tweak, which doesn't work very well. The game doesn't even tell you what these new tweaks to the gameplay are, and you don't have time to figure it out because there's no tutorial. I think the game's scale should be toned back so you can use your time to fix the core game.

That's basically it. This game has a lot of potential, but it needs a lot of work. No hate, thank you for reading.

If TJOC:R 2d became real,is there any possibility to do TJOC:SM 2d? :troll:

Эта игра... это трудно назвать игрой. ЕДИНСТВЕННЫЙ играбельный режим это "The Ignited". Во всё остальное невозможно играть. По порядку:

  1. "The Originals": если Чика увидит тебя хоть раз, то она от тебя никогда не отстанет. При прохождении уровня с Бонни засчитывается пройденным уровень с Чикой. Фокси бесконечно ходит за тобой сквозь стены без шанса на спасение

  2. "The Toys": маска не работает. На уровне с Той Фредди ты невидимый, из-за чего непонятно где ты. На уровне с Той Бонни он будет всегда знать твоё положение и вечно ходить за тобой.

  3. "The Withered": почти моментальная смерть на всех уровнях. Шокер и маска не работают

  4. "The Phantoms": в некоторые вентиляции просто невозможно пролезть. При подбирании предмета засчитывается повреждение трубы. Фантом Фокси избежать невозможно, как и Фантом Фредди

  5. "The Funtimes": нереально долгое вступление на уровне с Бейби без возможности на пропуск, из-за чего приходится переслушивать его каждый раз после проигрыша. Та же фигня и с Баллорой. Секцию с поиском предметов невозможно пройти с первого раза не зная их местоположения, из-за чего каждый раз перепроходить пятиминутный коридор с Баллорой чтобы потом сдохнуть за пять секунд от проходящей сквозь стены балерины не охота, не говоря уже о том, что секция с коридором сделана просто ужасно (Лучше не надо пытаться делать 3D секции в 2D игре). Ф. Фредди и Ф. Фокси просто неиграбельны. У первого просто чёрная комната (фонарик не помогает) а у второй тоже чёрная комната, но там уже никак не помогает вспышка

В "The Nightmares", "The Special" и "The Springlocks" глобальных проблем нет. Только те, что присутствуют во всех. А именно: аниматроники застревают в стенах; аниматроники ходят сквозь стены; игрок застревает в стенах; аниматроники видят сквозь стены; непонятно что является предметами для сбора (можно же сделать маленькую звёздочку с анимацией из двух кадров для обозначения предметов, а то приходится по несколько часов тыкаться в каждую дырку).

По итогу мы имеем невероятно забагованную игру с одним лишь правильно функционирующим режимом. Игра могла получиться невероятно интересной, однако из-за всего вышеперечисленного она просто напросто неиграбельна

Мне стало интересно а big update будет последним ?

Если да то жалко(

Can you make it on android


The Joy of Creation: Reborn - 2D

Version: 1.3.0over 3 years ago







  • EXTRA!



In the game The Joy of Creation: Reborn - 2D, you need to hide from scary creatures. Can you hear your name being shouted out by animatronics in the dark? It so happened that you yourself invented these terrible creatures, before their screams gave you pleasure, but now they are going to tear you to pieces. And, as you already understood, your fantasy is not very healthy. You have to use all your keen senses and abilities in order to protect yourself from your own creatures that are hidden in your home.


Immediately I would like to please you with amazing news. The game has a map on which you can move completely freely. But you will do it slowly, because it is a little scary here.


Imagine that you are walking down the hallway, you are confident and even brave, your top button on your shirt is open. And suddenly ... someone whispers your name in complete darkness. But this is none other than your faithful animatronics - they are like some cats, they are watching you all the time until you pay attention to them. And if you ignore them, they can take offense and even rip your head off. Like real cats, right? And even despite the fact that you yourself created these once such friendly creatures, now you should try to survive in their company, and this is not so easy to do. At night, the game becomes even more dangerous, because the animatronics become even more aggressive and scary. Therefore, in the dark it is worth being especially vigilant. Well, are you ready for FREDDY?


CPU: Intel Pentium 4 or better


RAM: 212MB

OS: Windows 2000, XP (32 Bit), Vista (32 Bit), 7 (32 Bit), 8 (32 Bit), 8.1 (32 Bit), 10 (32 bit)



DirectX 9


Original game by: @Nikson_Official

Game by: @TheDraynOfficial

Helpers: @Genos_YT,

Artist: @Genos_YT, @TheDraynOfficial

Music: Nathan Hanover, Scott Cawthon, Jerome Cortez

#fangame #horror #fnaf #other #survival #retro


1.3.0 UPDATE!

what's new?

New Thumbnail

A very big update coming soon...

Added gameplays from: @Xman723 , @BladeWeaver , @NeptooN & @DUCK127