Comments (24)
Man, this is a classic. Glad to see you've reuploaded these again
hi, big thx for the game. greetings from rosti
TNS iggy's funhouse demo 1 keeps closing everytime i try to open it.
The Night Shift: Iggy's Funhouse - Full Game
This is the finished game. Last version of Iggy's Funhouse released until the Remaster.
This game caused me a lot of stress but I made sure to finish it for personal reasons, never would of forgiven my self if I gave up on it.
Most "Complete" game of them all here, not a great game by any stretch though.
The Night Shift: Iggy's Funhouse - Demo 2
This is probably the last demo I made for TNS. I distinctively remember programming this one. Pretty happy with some of the ideas I came up with although the result was very directionless.
I have no idea how many nights are in this demo, seems like 1 or 2 though. There's also a whole bunch of cut content in the game like Custom Night and an Extras menu.
The Night Shift: Iggy's Funhouse - Demo 1
One of the first demos released for Iggy's Funhouse. Featured the 'Shift' system and the famously awkward 8AM system.
Seems to be an updated MFA from the original Tech Demo hence why I can't find the original Tech Demo. You're getting a game very close to the original with this one though.
Code Iggy 3.0 - Demo
A newer Code Iggy game I made.
Not my proudest work I must admit, still a fun little thing I made though. Works similarly to the first game.
Code Iggy
This was a game I made back when the original Iggy's demos were available, it was a game similar to something I remember seeing in FNATI back in the day.
Simple code input game that reveals 'secrets'. Make sure to press enter when you finish inputting the code.

I've had people come to me fairly frequently as of late asking for the original game as I removed it a while back so I decided to simply make a game page for all the classic stuff.
This is essentially an archive of a few older projects I made surrounding TNS 1.
These games aren't exactly amazing, lots of bugs, typos and other issues. I would strongly suggest anyone new to these games to please try Iggy's Funhouse Remastered as their first experience...not...these...please.
Despite my problems with these games I wouldn't be anywhere without them and I mean I can't hate them that much..I was 13 when I made half of these.
All games I could find are all uploaded to this page and have individual descriptions detailing what you should expect. (Bugs, plenty of bugs and unfinished content everywhere. I haven't played through all these games so I don't remember all of what's in there, who knows. )
Enjoy, and thanks for all the support over the years! Here's to a new decade.

These games will NOT be updated. They are past projects and should be kept that way.
To add to the point above, yes, there is probably a lot here that is incomplete and by extension, absolutely terrible. I removed the last game as I was incredibly unhappy with it hence why the Remaster exists.
More games may be added here if I happen to come across old projects. I would like to find the original Tech Demo I released back in January 2015 for example, no sign of it yet though :(
Projects like TNS: Only One will not be released here, there is a 'working' version of the game that is not complete in anyway and I will definitely not be putting that up here. shudders (To clarify for those who don't know Only One, it was a supposed sequel I barely got anywhere with, not a new game.)
Does this mean I will make more TNS? - No, but that doesn't mean I don't want too. Ideas go around my head all the time.
Enough of all that, hope you enjoy my old weird projects.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language