
Comments (16)

What do you think?

Tongue Fu macho mans are great :D Nice perspective in this one. Nice reflex game. Multiple characters give nice twist.

Very impressive visuals and good gameplay. Nice entry!

Check out my game if you get a chance

Really beautiful game, though I wish there was a download version so webGL didnt make it not work :/ I included it in part 32 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)


Cool game, great graphics and intresting gameplay nice theme! Loved the Strong man playing the game on the background!
I just think that once you get only one runner there is not much of a challenge...
Anyway good job!

Killer music!


Tongue Fu: Maximum Fleximum

Version: 0.3.0over 7 years ago

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Our entry for the #indiesvsgamers gamejam: Tongue Fu: Maximum Fleximum!

Made in 72 hours!

Hey You! Ever wondered what the inside of an arcade cabinet looks like?


Well, you're going to find out anyway, as this game squishes you into one.

And while you're in there, try and help the poor Candy God win this game, will you?

Set in the same universe as:

If the game doesn't respond to your keypresses, try running the game in fullscreen mode or try clicking somewhere around the game screen to make your browser focus on the game and fix the problem.

Mild Fantasy Violence

Updated new build!

Hey everybody!

Now that the voting period is closed we can upload our new build!
Check out the updated of Maximum Fleximum and let us know what you think!


Team RoboDodo