
Comments (14)

What do you think?

Hi There.
I am the creator of the meowscratchjam, and I would like to say this:
Your game is not suitable for the Jam.

This game is hardly based on music, so cannot be accepted into the jam. I request you remove this from the Jam yourself.

-Minty this is the most enraging game I ever played

i dont want to show the buttons i know the butons

A nice start. About as simple as it gets, which is a good idea for a first game.

My only complaint was that the jump button didn't seem to respond once in a while... I'd have to hit it a second time and by then the timing was messed up.

Cool game but beacuse i have a msoo many 5 games in my computer windows 7 and my parents dont let me download it


Too Many Lives

Version: 0.7.0about 10 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song


Too Many Lives is my first ever game and i cant get a website so im uploading the game on here, its still in development build and the level is short, dont worry im trying to make more and i probably will today! Have fun playing! Contact us at #meowscratchjam


Version 0.7

Version 0.6

*New button “Level Select”

*A new level to play araound with (You can go backwards too)

Upcoming features

*Enemys (like goombas)

*two more levels


Game fixed, Now it works!

First game, dont hate it please

This is my first EVER game and im publishing it on my website soon, when my websties up and running!