Comments (183)
Hey! Really enjoyed the world you created...despite being stuck in the floor and the game crashing, lol, it happens :) Regardless, I enjoyed myself and I wanna see more :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wseyal-UjXs
Great work folks. 5 Jolts, its very amazing
This was a really cool and unique little adventure game. The graphics/art style is really unqiue and coupled with the worlds story brings it all together nicely. The music and sound design is really nice and fits with the worlds mood well and the mechanics were easy to grasp. Really glad to see that this game is still "in development" because I'm really enjoying the story and how its told so far. Blows my mind that it's only 2 people working on this game especially for just being a school project. All in all a really unique and interesting game and I look forward to seeing where the story goes from here. I did a video on my experiance with the game so far if anyone is interested.
wtf is dis
Thank you so much for the opportunity that you are giving to all of us, to play your game!It was a very cool and promising experience and i literally can't wait to see more of this!Thank you :)
Here is my Let's Play > https://youtu.be/FJpZSZERWcI
Torn Apart
Note: Webplayer is not supported on Google Chrome. We've added a downloadable version now too! The downloadable version is much more stable and better framerate + resolution!
If anyone is interested in leaving us feedback please Email us at [email protected] or comment below :D All feedback is much appreciated !
19/01 - We've uploaded a new build with some bug fixes and a bit of optimisation! Also added downloadable build.
Torn Apart is a student project currently in development by Ruth Keena and
Mark Mc Cormack
A paper world is Torn Apart . Explore the world creating paper objects to reunite two characters and repair the tear.
Intro Scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yu5dzIyfMOQ&list=PLzC8BJ_4Q_RahuF78Kd8Wx70WlRyfnpVW&index=1
The game is about a world made of paper. In this paper world there is a book, the Book of Papercraft created by Master Omi . This is the book that created the world.
The book gets damaged in (undecided event) and the book is torn in half.
This event causes the world to get torn in half too. Oru and Kami were the protectors of the book. When the world gets torn in half, Oru and Kami get thrown to opposite sides of the world and have to find their way back to each other.
Every page of the book they find lets them learn how to create new objects to progress past obstacles. Once the player finds all the pages they can put the book back together and fix the tear in the world and be reunited with each other.