Comments (1)
Really neat concept! I included it in a compilation video series of all of the games entered in the Rocket Bean TV Community Game Jam, if you’d like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/y9bvMtP8LKg
Final Game Jam Upload
Warning! This game may contain traces of nuts.
Jeder kennt sie: die Lebensmitteldeklaration "Kann Spuren von Nüssen enthalten". Von Allergikern gefürchtet, von Skeptikern belächelt.
Jetzt bist du die Nuss!
Wirst du es in jedem Level schaffen dich in die Produktionskette einzuschleichen und im Nahrungsmittel landen? Sorge dafür, dass alle Lebensmittel deklariert werden!
PS: Auch ich würde mich sehr über den Besuch bei Deadalic freuen :)
Everyone knows it: the food declaration "may contain traces of nuts". Feared by allergics, ridiculed by skeptics.
Now you're the nut!
Can you manage to creep in the production chain and end up in the food? Make sure that all foods are being declared!
Made for the Rocketbeans Community Game Jam #rbcgj
Created by
Programming | Jakob Raith
Design | Jakob Raith
Art | Jakob Raith
Sounds | unadamlar
provided by freesound.org
Fonts | "SGK100" by NewMoleFont
"Slap and Crumbly" by Hazel Abbiatit
provided by dafont.com