Comments (4)
this is cool thx for doing this now i can try every version
cool game https://youtu.be/0R8brmAAX1I
i compiled the major update to an exe file (DirectX 9):
You should add the lost build https://www.mediafire.com/file/rr4vfy0f83nmkgh/TheReturnToFreddys2.exe/file
The Return to Freddy's 2 v1.1 | Alpha Test
Upload date: 16th of April 2016. Source: @ToonsterGames95.
The Return to Freddy's 2 v1.1 | Last Alpha Test
Upload date: 16th of April 2016. Source: @ToonsterGames95.
The Return to Freddy's 2 v1.03 | (Demo) Beta Test
Release date: 15th of Febuary 2015.
Source: Tyler.
The Return to Freddy's 2 v1.032 | (Demo) Beta Test
Release date: 26th of Febuary 2015. Reupload date: 4th of December 2023. Source: @Dragondave17.
The Return to Freddy's 2 v2.0 | Pre-Release
Release date: 7th of March 2015. Source: Tyler.
The Return to Freddy's 2 v2.0
Release date: 8th of March 2015. Reupload date: 2nd of July 2017. Source: @FreddyFunbear.
The Return to Freddy's 2 v2.1
Release date: Unknown. Reupload date: 7th of March 2019. Source: TRtF Wiki.
The Return to Freddy's 2 MFA
Release date: 9th of January 2018. Source: @ToonsterGames95.
The Return to Freddy's 2 Major Update MFA
Release date: 9th of January 2018. Source: @ToonsterGames95.
The Return to Freddy's Secret Revealer
Release date: 9th of March 2015. Reupload date: 2nd of May 2020. Source: @BFPFilmsArchives.
The Return to Freddy's 2 v2.0 | recompiled with DirectX 11
Release date: 2nd of May 2020. Made by @BFPFilmsArchives
The Return to Freddy's 2 Remastered v0.0.0
Release date: Unknown. Reupload date: 14th of January 2023. Source: GingeyBoi57 (archive.org).
The Return to Freddy's 2 Remastered v1.0.0
Release date: Unknown. Reupload date: 14th of January 2023. Source: GingeyBoi57 (archive.org).
The Return to Freddy's 2 Remastered v1.1.0
Release date: Unknown. Reupload date: 14th of January 2023. Source: GingeyBoi57 (archive.org).
The Return to Freddy's 2 Remastered v1.2.0
Release date: Unknown. Reupload date: 14th of January 2023. Source: GingeyBoi57 (archive.org).
The Return to Freddy's 2 Remastered v1.2.3
Release date: Unknown. Reupload date: 14th of January 2023. Source: GingeyBoi57 (archive.org).
The Return to Freddy's 2 Remastered v1.3.0
Release date: Unknown. Reupload date: 14th of January 2023. Source: GingeyBoi57 (archive.org).
The Return to Freddy's 2 Remastered Secret Revealer
Release date: Unknown. Reupload date: 14th of January 2023. Source: GingeyBoi57 (archive.org).
The Return to Freddy's 2: Windows 98 Edition | Old Version
Made by @Juan_Reviews
The Return to Freddy's 2: Reworked V.2.0
Made by @ItsMeNoOne
fnaf 2 wish.com edition. yeah.
Welcome to your new and exciting career! In The Return To Freddy's 2, you are taking the night shift with Freddy and his friends with some new characters. They have just moved in a music box to replace an old worn down gift giving animatronic to keep the kids happy. What could go wrong? As the security guard working nights, your job is to monitor cameras and make sure nothing goes wrong after-hours. You are the first guard to work at this location. So to make your job easier, you've been provided with your very own empty Freddy Fazbear head, but during development of the building, some dust and other toxic things might have gotten in there. So don't where it for too long.
Scott Cawthon (@realscawthon ): FNaF Saga creator.
BFPFilms424 (@TylerAhlstrom ): Programer and Modeler. TRtF Saga creator.
KidduTheMan: Modeled most of stuff.
Sigrid Rodriguez: Music.
xGamerPro12x: Sound Effects.
ping69413: Mac Support.
Collin Miller (@_Collin): Developer of The Return to Freddy's 2 Remastered