
Comments (596)

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A paperclip, or sometimes, paper clip, is an instrument used to hold sheets of paper together, usually made of steel wire bent to a loop sha-


Looks awesome so far, very excited for this!

Where is da beef?!


TTLA - The Dream

Version: 0.1.0almost 2 years ago
For every nightmare, there's a dream. | Teaser Game

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Return (Main Menu)

Check out the kinda original game here? The original never released so here's a reboot that another team did previously! Still absolutely worth checking out.

If you'd like to see the ORIGINAL game page for archival or curiosity purposes, you can find it here!

The TubbyLand Archives | Chapters: [ ACT 1 - ACT 2 - ACT 3 - ACT 4 ]

Wanna talk with the community? Feel free to join the public Discord server!


It's the same every night. Go home, brush your teeth, put on some tunes, and lie down. But upon closing your eyes, you're left in a surreal place.

The smell of ash, mold, and rotten food floods your nostrils once again. It's all so familiar... yet at the same time, it isn't. Walls where there weren't walls before, lights in what were supposed to be the darkest of places, and those... things. They're here too, but they're not the same. You can feel it, the anger, the violence, everything that's happened has built up to this. They certainly won't let you go this time, and your only prayer?

Hope the time expires before you do.


The Tubbyland Archives - ACT 2 is a DIRECT continuation of the events of Act 1.

You, Parker Anderson, are a college student currently dealing with the aftermath of your previous job experience. While you got away seemingly scott-free, the horrors you witnessed have stuck within your mind.

Despite many therapy sessions, you still can’t shake what happened at TubbyLand. You did manage to get your hands on some documents that seemed important and considered taking them to the police, but given what happened to your only friend back there maybe it’d be better to let sleeping dogs lie.

Unfortunately for you, it’s not that simple. You’re in too deep, and there’s no going back.


The TubbyLand Archives is an official reboot of the "Five Nights at TubbyLand" series for modern audiences! Featuring updated visuals, all new mechanics, and a cleaned up version of the original story.

This game started as a trio project between @Critolious , @TheresNoSteak , and @Pigsty55 .

If it wasn't obvious already, THIS IS A NON-PROFIT FANGAME AND WE DO NOT OWN THE TELETUBBIES. The Teletubbies are owned by WildBrain, we're simply making this because we think they're freaking terrifying under the right conditions.

"Five Nights at Freddy's" is owned by Scott Cawthon.


- Is this an official reboot of the TubbyLand series of fangames?

Yup! This is as official as it gets.

- Wait, this is Act 2... why is it TubbyLand Return?

Simple, we're going in the actual order of the story. No prequels, just straight start to finish. So as a result, TubbyLand Return became the second game!

- Will any of the concepts used in the original game return in this game?

A lot of them yes! However, at the same time a lot has been changed. It wouldn't be any fun if we did it exactly the same now would it? Also some of the original concepts were really eh so that was also a big motivator behind the changes.

- ...Android Port?

Nope, it literally just wouldn't be possible. We're also lazy.

- Will any new characters appear in this game?


- Will the mechanics be the same as the original version Clicky was making?

Absolutely not, all mechanics have been entirely redone from the ground up while keeping certain elements from the original cancelled version.

- Does TubbyLand Return Rebooted/Revamp have any involvement with this?

No as we're primarily drawing inspiration from the original version. However certain things from Rebooted definitely inspired aspects in the game!

- How long after Act 1 does this game take place?

The game is set around a week or two after the events of Act 1.

- Will there be any secret nights?

Yes actually! Just like Act 1, Act 2 will have one secret night. Specifically the Dream Night mode that was cut from Act 1, we just thought it fit better here given the context.


Creators: @Critolious , @TheresNoSteak , @Pigsty55

Voice Actors/Actresses: @Pigsty55 , More to be announced!

Modelers: @Critolious , @TheresNoSteak , @Tuparman , @stuAvenue , @cacozone , @JuicePunch

Programmers: @Critolious , @Tuparman

Misc Visuals: @Critolious , @TheresNoSteak , @stuAvenue , @SabatronVEVO

Soundtrack: @Lillian_

Sound Design: @TheresNoSteak , @Critolious , @Pigsty55 , @stuAvenue

Most base sounds provided by under the Creative Commons 0 License.

Special Thanks: @TheRealSoultron_ , @jeb_yoshi , @BlackFurredWolf , HatMaster777, @ih-ihs , @YEPmulti , @Ryanagain, @Terracotta_

Programs Used: Cinema4D, Blender 2.79 (Blender Render), Clickteam Fusion 2.5,, Audacity, Aseprite, LMMS, Bitwig

The Teletubbies and its other characters belong to WildBrain, Five Nights at Freddy's belongs to Scott Cawthon. This is a non-profit fangame, if someone else is distributing this please contact us!


#fangame #horror #fnaf #fnatl #tubbyland #tubbylandreturn #survival #pointnclick #strategy #scifi #ttla

Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Massive Update for Tubbyland Going Forward.

Not Dead!


Happy Halloween! + Short Dev Update!

The QnA stream will be starting soon!

The TubbyLand Archives - ACT 2 Developer QnA
Pigsty, TheresNoSteak, and I are answering your TTLA related questions!Stream will start properly at 2pm ESTLink to Twitter thread:

Hey everyone! Since the trailer is now out, we thought we'd do another QNA! Ask us some questions about the upcoming Act 1 update and Act 2! We will be streaming the QNA on Clicky's channel on Sunday at 2 PM EST! See you there!