
Comments (6)

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Game crashes when I press ENTER or SPACE in the first cutscene and maybe later

I wasn't expecting much going in to this, but it has some potential. I simply can't stand recolors, though. They take absolutely no skill or effort to make, and have no originality in the slightest. is pretty much what I mean. The controls in this game are very good, and the physics are way better that Sonic 4, but the collisions are WAY TOO precise. Every Single blade of grass on the ground is enough to bump Not Sonic around, and the game is not at all smooth. The boost, homing attack, and level design take away from the experience, as well. Instead of learning how to use the intricate physics of the game to beat it, you just figure out where to boost. Most of the levels are just "boost to win" with a bit of platforming occasionally. Most of the levels are just filler where you hold forward and CTRL to win. The homing attack chains and lightspeed rings just give you less interaction with the game, and therefore bring the game down. Sonic games should be a mix of exploration, Platforming, and Speed. This game has linear levels with very few alternate paths, and most platforming is just a few rectangles and a homing attack chain. The game should punish you for using the boost, most of the time, and be built as a platformer, not as a speedrun. I'm not saying it shouldn't be fast, I'm just saying it should be more of a rollercoaster. Any speed you get should be a reward for completing harsh platforming and finding the best route in an open world, and that is where this game falls short. Other than that, it has great controls and core gameplay.

5/5 stars from me.


Turbo The Hedgehog Origins Demo 1

Version: 1.0.0over 13 years ago

This is just a small demo of a fan game I have been working on for a few weeks now....there's alot more history to it but I am new here and rather make a fresh start in game making than dwell in the past. Anyway this is a Sonic fan game starring a recoloured character guessed it Turbo XD. Anyway I hope you enjoy this 3 act demo, please for the love of god read the game information :) enjoy.


PS: The screenshots are from a more updated version of this game though the main differences are the fact the character you see is Sonic not Turbo and the level is at night instead of day but I don't think it should affect anything.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Turbo The Hedgehog Origins Demo 1