
Comments (39)

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every time i play a night it installs a whole load of assets onto my desktop

fazer um download nesteneste jogo

Hey I did some voice acting in this game do you mind crediting the people who voice acted?

200th follower!


Ultimate Custom Night II

Version: 1.0.4over 2 years ago
The Full Game is here!

Ultimate Custom Night II Real Demo

Version: 0.1.4about 6 years ago
Yes, this is the actual Demo for UCN II featuring 29 Characters available to choose from, a 2000 Point Limit before all characters are set to 0, etc. Have fun! ;)

Ultimate Custom Night II Demo (Troll)

Version: 0.1.1over 6 years ago
This Demo Contains 5 Randomly Selected Characters, Multiple Endings, etc. However this demo is not what it seems... ;)

All the characters who were not in the Ultimate Custom Night have gathered together in one place to star in their own Ultimate Custom Night!

More Info Coming in the description and devlog about Mechanics and News!

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Youtube Channel:

36/36 Characters Done!
6.5/6 Devices Done!
5/5 Security Characters Done!


HarveyB: Golden Freddy, (Un)Withered Freddy,

Fredbear, Mendo Endo, Dark Springtrap, and Freddles

Roux36 Productions: Nightmare Foxy

New York Rose: The female half of Toy Foxy

OmegaChance: Shadow Freddy, Yenndo, Twisted Foxy,

and the male half of Toy Foxy

Kamer: (Un)Withered Foxy

The Voices: Jack-O-Bonnie

Pandy351: Security Puppet and Unwithered Chica

Mrsteeletrap: Bubba

jess_jay_VA: Prototype FT Foxy

Alec: Spring Bonnie

Dawn Balidashi: Circus Charlie (and Backup for

Female Toy Foxy)

TheSavvyGeek: Bon-Bon

EdgytheHedgy: FT Freddy and SB Afton

NrdGang957: Purple Guy and Radio Show Host


Golden Freddy (FNaF1): He'll appear in your office at random and you'll only have a second or two to flip up the monitor before he ends your run with a jumpscare!

Phantom Foxy: He’ll slowly generate into the office so if you don’t want to have a jumpscare, then shine him away using your flashlight. The only possible difference between Phantom Freddy and Phantom Foxy is that Foxy will cause your office to heat up by 5 to 10 degrees which may cause problems to Animatronics who are affected by the heat. He is one of the characters effected by the Hyperflash.

Jack-O-Bonnie: He'll start to flicker into the office and will flicker faster as the office gets hotter, if you notice this, then be sure to turn down the heat by using your fan on your table. The Fan can be turned off and on by pressing the space bar. However once he's fully materialized, then he'll attack you and end your run.

Withered Freddy: He'll Appear in your office if you have the monitor up for too long and you'll have only a few seconds to put on the Freddy Mask before he ends your run with a jumpscare. The Heat will cause him to come in quicker similar to Regular Freddy.

Withered Foxy: He'll be inside the office always sitting deactivated, or so it may seem at least. If you see that he's moved then flash him with your light quickly before he has a chance to jumpscare you. However if you flash too early, then he'll also attack then, so be careful with your use of the flashlight.

Adventure Endo-1: It will cling onto your face at any moment which may cause some visual problems including not being able to see many things in the office. The safest and most beneficial way to make it leave is to double click on the red button on it's chest and getting a Faz-Coin in the process. Another way to do this is by leaving the monitor on, although it may come with bad outcomes involving your run depending on the scenario. Just be careful since you can't put on your Freddy Mask with it on your face.

Nightmare Foxy: He'll be waiting in his nightmarish pirate cove for the chance to strike. Stare at him to delay his attack, even if for a fraction of a second. However he has only 3 phases before he strikes at you. The only way is to reset his attack is by closing the door on time, if you're too late, then he'll rip you to shreds and end your run.

Shadow Freddy: Don’t have your mouse cursor over him for too long or else he’ll end your run with a jumpscare! Although he may be slower than Nightmarionne he may block areas of the office that that may be essential for blocking other animatronics.

Bidybabs/Electrobab: All 3 of them will be in the vents during the night so you have to close the vent on them to send them away. Just kidding! Instead of actually closing the vent off, you’ll have to press a certain button on a keyboard that corresponds with the first letter of each of their eye colors. Bidyblue will be the one to jumpscare you if you don’t press the B key in time, Pyrobab will be the one that messes with your heat if you don’t press the P Key in time, and Electrobab will be the one to mess with your power if you don’t press the Y Key in time.

Candy Cadet: ???

Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon: They'll both be on a stage that can be seen on the cameras and they'll both gradually get off the stage. You have multiple options to deal with them. One is closing the left door whenever he announces Bon-Bon to go get you and get a faz-coin in the process. Closing the right door whenever he announces a surprise equals the same result. Another way to do so is by giving him a controlled shock which will cause him to go back to perform for the rest of the night. However fail to do any of these in timely fashion will result in a face to face Funtime Freddy and Bon Bon Jumpscare.

Yenndo: He'll be similar to how he was in Sister Location Custom Night, however while he can be delayed with the monitor, the only way to temporarily keep him away is by putting on the Freddy Mask and receiving 1% of Power in the process. If you fail to do this simple thing then he'll jumpscare you.

Phantom Chica: She'll appear on the monitor at random and will attempt to jumpscare you if you don't quickly turn your monitor off. However if you fail to do this, not only will your monitor turn itself off but you will also lose a little bit of power as well.

Adventure Fredbear: He'll appear on your desk at random and play music that will make certain animatronics more aggressive the longer his music plays. The only way to make sure he goes away is by double clicking on him and earning a Faz-coin in the process.

Phantom Marionette: It will gradually appear in front of your face blurring your vision and eventually blocking it until a more dangerous threat comes. The only way to stop it is by pressing 5 to access the Global Music Box and play the melodies to eventually make it fade away temporarily, if it's fully materialized then it will never leave...

Twisted Freddy: He’ll be behind you always and will be deactivated for the time being. However as you use up more power, his growls will grow louder and louder until he jumpscares you. The only way to stop him is by putting on your Freddy Fazbear Mask, and he returns to his docile state.

Twisted Bonnie: He will not be visible on the cameras, although his eyes will be glowing at the left door so close the door when they are visible or else you are in for an unpleasant surprise! However as the office gets hotter, he'll attack much faster and leave much slower.

Twisted Wolf: He will also not be visible on the cameras, and his eyes will be glowing at the right door so close the door when they are they visible or else you'll be in for an unpleasant surprise! However if the office is cool, he'll attack much faster and leave much slower.

Mr. Hugs: He's now back from Five Nights at Mr. Hugs to have a chance in the spotlight in the UCN II! He'll approach from either the left or right door, and you'll have to guess which door he's at and close it! Otherwise, he'll come into your office and drain your power faster!

Pan Stan: ???

Endo-02: There will be a squeaking sound coming from the vent indicating it's presence, so be sure to close the top vent if you hear the squeaking. Although if you put up your monitor when you hear the squeaking then you'll have nothing but a jumpscare to look forward to.

Security Puppet: There will be music playing whenever Security Puppet is active in a run which means a regular music box is where the security puppet is. Unlike any other Marionette incarnation, it will become more impatient if the same melody is playing for a long time so the logical thing to do is change the music over and over again whenever you see that he's getting impatient, otherwise you'l have nothing but a face to face jumpscare to look forward to. However he can be delayed with the Global Music Box by soothing him.

Scrap Chica: She'll sit on the other side of your office looking deactivated, however she will eventually activate on her own. When she is in this activated state, you'll need to remember who she is by typing her name on the keyboard. If you do then she'll be truly deactivated for the rest of the night, but if you forget then you'll have nothing but her revenge in the form of a jumpscare to look forward to. HINT: For those of you who read up on the lore behind Chica's original name you'll be greatly rewarded.

Mangle (TFC): He will be on the ceiling for a majority of your run if she is active. though will slowly lower himself towards you eventually ending up with her jumpscaring you. However there is a way to avoid his attack, use the H/A/C (Hyper Air Conditioner) when she's in his most hostile state and she'll leave you alone for the rest of the night.

Freddles: The Freddles back are all by themselves this time around! Although not with Nightmare Freddy this time, they still will be a big threat to you by covering your face the longer you have your cameras up. The only way you can send them away is by using the light switch until they become silenced. Just be careful when to use it, bigger threats may use this distraction to their advantage and end your run. also be careful since you can't put on your Freddy Mask with them on your face.

Purple Freddy: He will not attack if the lights are on in your office, however when the lights are off, then he'll start to fade into the office at a constant pace, and if he's fully materialized by the time you turn on the lights, then he'll be sure to put your lights out! If you see him before he's fully materialized, then simply don't use the light switch and he'll fade away for the time being.

Dark Springtrap: He will be inside the ducts ready to strike at any given moment, however a device known as a duct trap will be the only thing delaying his attack. There's a catch to this device, the power source of this duct trap will go down since he will be trying to break out of the prison he currently inhabits so you'll have to check the duct trap's power and if it's getting lower, then you'll have to give him a controlled shock and he'll go back plus the power of the duct trap will be restored. The heat will cause him to become more aggressive in trying to break out of the duct trap....

Freak Circus Freddy (Fourth Closet Freddy): He'll also be caught in the duct trap and trying to deactivate the trap, although slower than Dark Springtrap. You'll also need to give him a controlled shock to recharge the trap and make him tame for the time being. The more power you use however, the more agressive he gets....

Bubba: His key will appear on the cam system and if this happens, then Bubba will slowly loom over you and prepare to attack causing your vision to become darker until he eventually does jumpscare you. Find the key and he'll leave you alone for the time being.

Henry/Cassette Man: Occasionally an Advertisement for Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza Place will pop up on screen if he is active, so press Enter and it will be disappear in an instant for the time being.

Crying Child: This character doesn't seem like a big threat at first... but... He's only a guide to the actual threat and unfortunately trouble for you. However there are 3 separate ways to stop this threat which are the doors, light switch, and Freddy Mask. She will tell you what to do in order to let the threat in, so you'll have to figure out the hint and what tool in your office corresponds with it. However use the wrong tool and you'll have to face the threat head on with a jumpscare!

Purple Guy: He has placed a tracking device in your Freddy Mask and it emits a noise if you have it on long enough and once the noises become loud enough, he'll come into the office and kill you right on the spot so be sure to simply take the mask if it becomes too loud!

Circus Charlie: A Host on the Radio will announce when and where her show will begin, and her show is when she'll attack! Be sure to figure out clues of where she'll be from the song titles and to arrive there on time so she'll get to shy to perform and leave you alone in the process! Note that each hour in the game takes around 50 Seconds each, so you'll be on time for the performance!

Toy Foxy, Spring Bonnie, and Twisted Foxy: All 3 of them will work the same way, each of them will wait a turn at the Shop/Devices area on your camera system. They will wait for you to purchase each of their items in the shop: Toy Foxy with her plushie, Spring Bonnie with his head to complete his new suit, and Twisted Foxy waiting for Theodore the Rabbit. They won't attack if you either keep the cameras on the Shop/devices Camera or if you purchase their respective item. However leave one of them waiting too long without their item, and that will lead to a jumpscare from one of the 3!


Info: If you have the wrong amount of Faz-Coins to purchase an item, then one of these characters will be randomly selected to end your run in their own different ways.

Endo-01: If it is summoned then one out of a certain amount of characters on the roster will be selected to make an appearance in your night if their AI is at 0.

NF-X: He will quickly materialize into your office if he is called, so if this happens then use the light switch to avoid getting a nightmarish jumpscare.

Prototype FT Freddy: If you lift down your monitor and you see his eyes in the wall vent, then shut him out before lifting up your monitor again, otherwise you'll see his eyes and his face for a up close and personal jumpscare!

Haunting Freddy: He'll float by your office attempting to get to the plug for your camera monitor so be sure to click on him before this happens, otherwise your cameras will be down for around 5 seconds! If you do click him then you'll get a faz-coin!

Prototype FT Foxy: She will always emerge from the right hall, and the only way to stop her is by using the right door. She isn't visible on the cameras, but an alarm will blare that will indicate her coming to the office, you will only have a couple of seconds to close the door before she comes through and jumpscares you!


Global Music Box: Certain animatronics will be affected by the Global Music Box when they listen to it, so be sure to press the "5" key on the keyboard to play it. However, the fan and Global Music Box cannot be activated at the same time so strategize when you'll activate each device.

Doors and the Top Vent: Obviously there will be doors and a vent as always. Doors can be activated by pressing the A and D keys while the top vent can be activated with the W key. The good news is that the top vent doesn't drain power any faster than the doors, although the top vent and doors also cannot be active at the same time. You do have the availability to close both doors if you wish although not with the vent along with them and vice versa. So you'll have to plan for when to close either one of the doors or vent.

Flashlight and Hyperflash: There is also a flashlight as usual and it can be turned on by holding the Z key, just be aware of the battery which is found when you turn on the cameras. There is also a new device called the "Hyperflash" which is a button glowing green and also can be found on a certain camera. In order to activate the Hyperflash, click and hold the button until you hear a flash which means you've successfully used the Hyperflash but be cautious when using this device, it drains 5% of your power everytime you use it and you can only use it in certain situations.

Temperature: The temperature returns to UCN II and can be regulated in different ways. The first way is by using the fan by pressing the space bar, the other way is by using a device named the H/A/C (Hyper Air Conditioner) and once you have click and hold it for 3 seconds then it go immediately to 60 degrees like you how you started. Although the H/A/C takes 5% of your power with every use. so be careful of when you use this device. The H/A/C is located on the shop/devices camera/

Light Switch: The Light switch is a new device featured in UCN II. When the office power is at it’s lowest, then you can turn the light switch on holding the L Key on your keyboard. This can be either a blessing for keeping animatronics away or a curse by not being able to see certain threats.

Death Coin (Demo): Although the Death Coin does return to the UCN II, it cannot be purchased this time round with the Faz-coins. Instead it's a little reward for receiving 20 coins in a run. Instead of clicking on the coin itself, you'll have to click on the animatronic you want to use it on once you see the icon right next to your power. Note: It does not work on every animatronic, a list is provided on which Animatronics it currently works on.
-Update on Full Game for Death Coin

Death Coin (Full Game): In the full game of UCN II, you can purchase the Death Coin from the Shop/Devices System, but the price is randomized every time you go into the night depending on how many points a night has...

Death Coin List
Mr. Hugs (1 Coin)
Nightmare Foxy (1 Coin)
Shadow Freddy (5 Coins)

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#horror #other #pointnclick #fangame

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed

The show must go on....

Well Hello Again!

This is why you wake up...

Because... Look at Him!

April Fools... ):) (Also Lore Announcement-)

UCN II PAX East Mega Announcement!

  12 votes Voting finished

UCN II Q&A Session!

UCN II QnA Session

I'm Back! (Also Regarding the UCN II Demo and other Updates)

Happy birthday to characters from FNaF3, Now returning in UCN II!