Comments (7)
Lame, looks like 10mins of effort was put in.
Ok. It's cool !
The graphic style is so cool! It looks like if Hotline Miami was an old arcade game!
That being said, the gameplay needs work.
You don't have room in the bottom of the screen to properly dodge the heat-seekers, so you have to fly to the upper screen where the UFO is, and if the UFO happens to move in your direction while you're up there, you don't have the speed or aim to do anything but die.
Between the UFO's fast movement, tiny hitbox, short vulnerability window, and the slowness of your projectile, there's little to no way to actually pursue the UFO to shoot it down. You just have to hope that it happens to fly to a spot close enough to you for you to shoot it down.
With only one enemy type with 2 attack patterns, there is little to no variety, even for a game jam.
If this is a homage to old coin-eater machines, then it's absolutely 10/10 spot-on would recommend, from the nostalgic graphics to the 8-bit audio to the unfair gameplay to even the coin insertion. If you're trying to make something that's fun to play, though, it could use some redesigning.
The game does not work for me :( Just gray window...
screenshot - https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-Tbg5yDiYpvc/VT0kmkvBOuI/AAAAAAAAEBA/Wl7VD8_59Lk/w879-h569-no/UFOnator.png
---Made to be played on an arcade cabinet---
(Make sure you have WebGL enabled)
This game was created for the #construct2coinop jam in 7 days. (http://jams.gamejolt.io/construct2coin-op/winners)
UFOnator is an endless space shooter that tries to bring back the frantic gameplay of classic arcade games taking inspiration from those good old-style coin-eater machines.
Control keys are mapped cloning MAME controls:
5 to insert coin
1 to player start
Arrow keys to move
Ctrl to shoot