Comments (24)
Just played this game pretty cool. Just one thing can you add the option skip the intro? I kinda want to play the game. Makes it easier for videos to. :). Also just made a video on it if you can can you put it at the top to other viewers can see your game in action? here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NM0Pqt9L5NM
Hi, I rated your game at (3) Stars
Your game has great potential and I'd love to see a bug free version of your game
Skip the introduction to the game. Everytime your fail you have to watch it again.
Remove R resetting the game while watching the introduction
Being able to change the controls
Being able to know the controls
The AI is very buggy
The driving is not smooth more of a instant move than a smooth turn
Turning Down or Turning Off the music
When resetting with X
It doesn't but you back on the road EG if you hit a tree
It doesn't put facing the round way if you spin outBarriers
I crashed into a barrier and glitched inside of itAI
Sometimes they run into each to other and stop driving
Sometimes they just stop driving
Some more fixes and your game will be awesome to play! It has smooth FPS which is amazing! I got constant smooth FPS and no stuttering which is perfect!
Better Than NFS 2016 _
this gives me Need for Speed 2015 vibes
Good job DEVs!
No updates for a long time... When you should resume?
Demo Out Now!
Release Date : June/July 2017
Platform : Steam
Inspired from the old classic Need for Speed games, Unbounded tries to bring back the look and feel of NFS Underground , Forza Horizon and many more to refer.It also takes a great inspiration from NFS 2015 , as initially it was getting made to test if Unity Engine can afford to bring such quality.
General Description
The game is a multiplayer open world racer set in our own frictional version of Los Angeles , where you can drive , cruise with friends , challenge rivals!
The game aims to have cars from Old Classics to Latest Super cars
To give it a classy vibe and make the world more viable! Every car is made to have a meaning and a history ; And we are trying to maintain that.
"Choose your car, Take the wheel and bang on the street!! be the reckless,Be the ruthless.There is no rule,No law,Only chase!!!.but remember Always check your car,Check your sit belts and never try this in your real life.Be the top racer and Be Unbounded!
See you in the finish lines"
System | Requirements
OS | Win 8 / Win 10 64bit
Processor | Core i3
Graphics | Nvidia GTX 700 Series
Disk Space | 5GB
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