Comments (62)
And I found secret area lolololol~!
who else if here because of YuB?
I think just recreated the Undertale rooms makes little sense because the Undertale 2d world doesn't translate into 3d. If the devs wants to work on this game they need to design the rooms with 3d in mind.
Also if you want to just have a stroll through Undertale Fangames: https://youtu.be/FlUGlslLwyI
This was really fun! The demo looked awesome - I loved the atmosphere and environment in the Ruins - like the colours, the shadows, all those little details, they must've taken so much time and effort to do, kudos to you! Oh the flowers were also very nice! And that easter egg at the end... yeah. just yeah.
What if Undertale was a 3D game?
I've been recently learning Unreal Engine 4 and I made this demo of what Undertale would look like if it was a 3D game. It's currently quite short, but I hope to expand it when I have some time.
Easter egg included!