
Comments (2)

What do you think?

started playing the demo on video!!! love the 3d feel and the portal inspiration lol, gonna continue playing on monday!


Untitled Puzzle Game

Version: 1.0.2about 20 hours ago
Untitled Puzzle game is IN DEVELOPEMENT. Keep in mind that you WILL experience bugs, and feel free to report them on the comments.

Untitled Puzzle Game is a 3D puzzle game inspired by Portal 1 & 2 by Valve. #puzzle

Mild Language

NOTE: We will not publish our game announcements on the Gamejolt platform anymore. If you want news from the game, join our Discord server to get the newest developement sneek peaks and notices.

Join our Discord server!

Keep in mind that UPG is in its alpha version. Many changes are planned, and I am thinking on a complete story re-design.

First release of my little project is out! Feel free to leave suggestions and report bugs on the comments!