
Comments (11)

What do you think?

Some music + sound effects would make more interesting the game but still cool. 4/5 But if you make new maps and sounds i'm happy to give 5 :)

Looks intresting. But still needs work.


Placeholder 'weapon' added - at the moment the balls fired hang around and will be mainly used to trigger pads/blocks/switches etc
Force block added to mess around with
Jump force increased
Cursor lock and confine buttons added (esc to cancel)
Colliders much improved
Slight gravity and particle changes

Turns the level into more of a sandbox but you get the idea of where I'm trying to go with the controls/items ^^

Keep working on it

Good concept, but the player can mess it up pretty fast



Version: 0.1.1over 9 years ago

Short prototype of a physics based first person puzzle game where you control the flow of gravity. Please leave any and all feedback on the concept and controls - as well as a new name for it :)

Currently 1 small level with no sound - Press R to reset


0.1.1 Extras