Comments (3)

when the v2 gets published
also good luck for working on the 2th version
Friday night Funkin' Vs my Mods NEW DEMO
This is a preview of the mod, in another version there will be more content and new designs..
This is only done by the free time that a person has and does not know what to do with his life.
This mod is just re-charts of other mods and remixes.
There's 4 principals songs and 2 remixes for now, updates will be more songs and more huds for this mod.
If there will be any problem if you can re-chart the songs or use them in this "mod" tell me that I will have no problem to delete it or have information, thanks :).
Songs -
Remixes -
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed