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Pretty neat educational game.

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Wallaby Visits the USA

Version: 2018.1.0almost 7 years ago

Wallaby Visits the USA is a game about a tourist wallaby. You are her guide! Show her around the US by typing the names of states, but don’t be too slow - this little marsupial is not the most patient. Gain extra time by naming states which neighbor each other and answering questions the wallaby poses you. For an extra challenge, try enabling capital mode, where you name states by their capital cities. Show this wallaby the time of her life!

Controlled with the mouse and keyboard.

Thanks for playing! Contact me at @snicklodocus or @nedmakesgames . Watch me make games live on Twitch! Thank you!

Comical Shenanigans


I’ve updated Wallaby Visits the USA. It’s playable in browser again and loads much faster, to boot! I also added some neat Twitter and Twitch integration. I hope you enjoy!