Comments (6)
Game with a good story and evolution system a nice 4d graphics with penulus riftus support! NICE!
That was the strangest game I have played in a while. I ask why? Why did you make this? xD
besides the complexity of the control scheme, I found the game to be very fluid and entertaining. It lacks a sequel to complement the intricate story, maybe "Wanking Simulator 2: the spermicide continues", or maybe you can sell your idea to Konami, probably it will result in "Wanking Simulator vs Metal Gear: taming the Solid Snake". That would be groundbreaking.
Wanking Simulator
this game it makes you groove, you'll like to play this game. I swear to god I played this game not ten seconds ago and i'm feeling hungry to play again mate.
Holy Moly This Is Some Good Gameplay.
frickkkkking flippppp i just love this sweet sweet control scheme press space to wank.