

What do you think?
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anyways Controls

  • left+right arrow keys to move

  • up+down arrow keys to aim [press the where the vertical direction arrow is pointing to undo] (holding down will make you crouch)

  • X key to jump (hold down the crouch/down arrow key before pressing X to do a backflip/superjump of sorts)

  • Z to dash forward (clutch'em, but crouching will only move you a tad bit of how much you normally move)

  • A key to lock your horizontal direction (this allows you to move without needing to turn)

Now for the credits

  • Garbomuffin - if you know what this game engine, then you know who made it

  • Griffpatch - Epic physics (but it may need a bit of tweaking)

thats it lmao

#arcade #platformer #opensource #other

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