
Comments (9)

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The idea itself is cool, but I just don’t understand how a sausage can stand?

From "The Ontology of the Encased: A Treatise on Cylindrical Forms and Their Transcendence", with permission from the author.

"What we witness here is not merely a traversal but an ontological exploration of verticality, as embodied by the oblong protagonist. The sausage, with its rotund yet minimalist form, engages in a dialectical confrontation with the architectural sublime—a staircase that is as much a symbol of hierarchical power structures as it is a literal ascent. Note the gestural fluidity with which the sausage defies the orthodoxy of Euclidean space, each rotation a subversive act that challenges the Cartesian duality of form and void. This, dear readers, is an exemplification of the ‘haptic turn’ in contemporary post-medium theory."

- Frankfurter von Wurstheim #arcade #platformer #action #puzzle #altgame #other

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