Welcome to Lewis's
You're all Welcome in Lewis's!
Welcome to Lewis's is a point and click Five Nights at Freddy's fan game based on the youtuber Dawko [If you haven't watched his videos there are some references you might not get, but the game can still be enjoyed by anyone]. Featuring detailed digital 2D graphics, minigames and multiple levels, including harder variants with new mechanics.

Dawko, your favorite youtuber, hasn't posted in a while, so you decide to rewatch his latest upload to see if you missed anything... You soon find out that was the case. You're Welcome to Lewis's.
Uncover the truth about the brand new Five Nights at Freddy's themed restaurant and its mysterious disappearances. Some events might not be in chronological order ingame, so try piecing them together!
"Of course, Mr. Lewis! I won't forget."
-Dan S.
If you happen to record a let's play of this game, please link it in the comments! ! I'd love to watch it :D
Warning: Your antivirus software might flag this project as malware, but that's a common false positive triggered by many Clickteam Fusion games, including other FNaF fan games. For Windows Defender click "more information" and "run anyway".
Special hotkeys:
Shift + G = Toggle visual effects (vignette, camera distorction, perspective effect) [might help with lower end devices];
Default: ON
Shift + V = Toggle Vsync (limits FPS to your monitor's refresh rate) [can help with screen tearing effect];
Default: ON
F2 = Restart game (will send you to the first frame: the warning screen)
Alt + Enter = Toggle Fullscreen
Esc = Exit minigame
These will probably be removed once i add in some QOL features, such as a pause menu or an options screen.

-Dawko/Lewis/Dawkothemed Lewis
-Dawkothemed Puppet
-Withered Puppet
-Buff Helpy/Dawkothemed Helpy
-Dawklings/Dawkothemed Lewislings (The Blue One, The Green One, The Purple One, The Withered Cyan One, The Forgotten One)
-Dawkothemed Toy Chica (William Afton)
Currently added Stages:
Power Anxiety
"Use the cameras to check Lewis' position. If he reaches any of the doors, reset his A.I. using your maintenance panel. If you are running out of power, switch generators using the button on CAM 3."
Power Anxiety (Hard)
"Check Lewis' position. If he reaches any of the doors, reset his A.I. using your maintenance panel. Don't stare at the costume [Buff Helpy] for too long. If you are running out of power or your generator's been damaged, switch generators using the button on CAM 3."
Listening Practice
"If you hear something coming, flash it. Don't do that too much. If you hear a laugh, ignore until you hear it go away. Holding the button will open the escape vent and reload your flash faster, but be careful: that makes it harder to hear anything."
Listening Practice (Hard)
"Flash your enemies. Don't do that too much. The five [Dawklings] can't reunite. If you hear a laugh, ignore until you hear it go away. Holding the button will open the escape vent and reload your flash faster, but be careful: that makes it harder to hear anything."
Welcome Back!
"Flip the switch to gain limited power. Flashing The Puppet will stun it and might even scare him away. Don't let the vents close or you might start... seeing stuff [Hallucinations and, eventually, The Forgotten Ones]. BEWARE: If [The Puppet] it's in the hallway, a safety protocol will cause the vents to close faster."
Back again
"It's back. Don't look at [Dawkothemed Toy Chica] it for too long. Use your audio lure to keep it far away (will only work if the audio is played in the previous or next room on its path: ). If you hear his screams, look for The Dark One in the cameras and stare until he goes away."
Currently added Minigames:
Dawko Run
"Use W and S to move UP and DOWN to dodge the rocks."
[Score 30 points after beating Power Anxiety (Hard) to get some lore]
Game-02 (???)
" ''I'm sorry Mr. Lewis. Something went terribly wrong during the development of this game and the arcade machine is getting scrapped. We can't continue. Hope you understand.'' -Dan S."
[Walk right while dodging the enemies until you reach the goal. [Hold left after beating Listening Practice (Hard) to get some lore]
Go, Chica! Go!
"Use A and D to move left and right. Collect apples to score points, the golden ones are worth more. Letting a red or golden apple fall or collecting rotten/poisonous ones costs you points. Watch out for the birds [they slow you down and destroy apples in their path]. If your score is 0, it's game over."
[Score 10 points after beating Back again and touch the glitched bunny to get an easter egg]

Sound Effects, Art, Coding: speedxpnew
Beta Testing and Feedback: Creito9052
Music: speedxpnew
Additional Music by Dawko & DHeusta
Some music, voicelines and sound effects were taken from Dawko's YouTube videos and the Five Nights at Freddy's games.
Additional Sound Effects licensed by Creative Commons 0 (freesound.org)
Original Concept: Five Nights at Freddy's (by Scott Cawthon)
Dawko (@DawkoYoutube ): https://www.youtube.com/c/Dawko
#fangame #pointnclick #arcade #survival #horror #strategy #retro #other #fivenightsatfreddys #Dawko #fnaf
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed