Comments (3)
It's prity good and a great start. But I have a bug with the falling platform, they don't repawn. I thing it would benifit if the platforms had a outline or if the cube had a outline. Right now its vary difficult to see where the box will be landing. I realy like this thow, prity fun and simple game. Keep it up!
Whack & Blite
Whack & Blite
It's a game that takes place in two realms.
It's a fast paced 3d platformer.
It's a game of strategy and skills
Here is what the game is really about:
It's a 3D platformer; but every time you jump, you switch realms. Navigate your way through each mind boggling level to make it to the end.
It's simple, and that is what makes it fun.
Don't forget to try it out, rate and comment so that I know what you guys think!