
Comments (20)

What do you think?

I've played through three times now and want to keep exploring the possibilities - from your screenshots I can tell there are at least two moments I've yet to stumble upon. I love the unexpected scene transitions this throws at the player, and it all hangs together thanks to the elegant art style and soundtrack (in fact I've just downloaded the latter). A very memorable, dreamlike experience. Well done!

It was a little bit strange experience... I loved the art in the game in general, each scene could work as a mini game but I felt that there is no decision to make in them.
I liked it but I think is too experimental...

I'm coming from the jam btw, the following is the link if you want to play my entry:

I really love the art style here!

Fantastically evocative entry, very good work!

This felt like it was made literally for us at Hexagon Blue, we all love games as art and I think it captures that sentiment perfectly. I've unfortunately not been able to replay it so I'm looking forward to doing that once I've been through as many of the other games as possible.

The art is simply magnificent and I echo the sentiments of the others who have commented before me.


While Dreaming

Version: 1.0.1almost 7 years ago

Game Soundtrack

10 songs

While Dreaming is a short interactive story I made for Adventure Jam 2018. It will generate a new story every time you play it.

While Dreaming is developed for Windows, Mac and Linux with Unity.


Mild Realistic Violence
Alcohol Reference
Tobacco Reference
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language

Mini patch (1.0.1)